listening to

featured image :3
to-do list

3/10 pages

join more fanlistings

remake art page?

work on shrines

change music player songs

new shrines page

about me

v4 index

welcome ☆

hihi welcome to starlost!! this is my little corner of the internet where i do whatever i like. thank you for visiting, i hope you enjoy your stay! ^_^


06-16-24 new guestbook (rip 123gb) and added more neighbors. sorry for the lack of updates T_T

04-14-24 added shrines page

04-07-24 small changes to index, added about page and art page

04-01-24 starlost v4 finished!! :3

03-??-24 removed zb1 shrine cuz i dont like it anymore gaaaaah

02-19-24 remade about page again

01-23-24 added about page

01-20-24 made some changes to homepage, added shrines page and zb1 shrine ^_^


11-16-23 starlost v.3!! i think i like this theme more than the previous one :3

11-05-23 added links page

10-31-23 revamped about me layout and added not found page :] new page coming soon too

10-07-23 new about me page yippeee

09-11-23 starlost v.2 is up!! :3 srry 4 disappearing fir like 2 months lol

07-04-23 added collections page and figures page

07-02-23 added about me page

06-22-23 finished homepage

06-08-23 started working on the site

wren 15 any pronouns
featured page ☆
webrings + fanlistings

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feel free to link any of my buttons if youd like! ^_^

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